GFinisher. bioinformatics tool developed in the Graduate Program in Sciences - Biochemistry at the UFPR
GFinisher - Genome Finisher
Easy and rapid to improve, refine and close your genome assembly.
GFinisher is an application tools for refinement and finalization of prokaryotic genomes assemblies using the bias of GC Skew to identify assembly errors and organizes the contigs/scaffolds with genomes references.
- Two or more de novo assemblies.
- One genome reference.
- NCBI Blast 2.2.29+ (or higher)
GFinisher developed in java plataform, you can use in most operating systems.
For the assembly of bacterial organisms, we observed a memory consumption of about 4Gb RAM.
Java Virtual Machine required (version 7 or up)
GFinisher requires and include jFreeChart library
How to
manual will soon be available
basic purposes
java -Xms2G -Xmx4G -jar GenomeFinisher.jar \ -i target_contigs.fasta \ -ds alternative_assemblies.fasta -ref reference.fasta \ -o outputDirectory
Generate the template configuration file
java -jar GenomeFinisher.jar -config -create config.txt
running with the configuration file
java -Xms2G -Xmx4G -jar GenomeFinisher.jar \ -i target_contigs.fasta -ds alternative_assemblies.fasta -ref reference.fasta \ -o outputDirectory -config config.txt
To extend the reports
java -Xms2G -Xmx4G -jar GenomeFinisher.jar -i target_contigs.fasta \ -ds alternative_assemblies.fasta -ref reference.fasta -o outputDirectory \ -v 3
Default language
java -Xms2g -Xmx4g -Duser.language=en -jar GenomeFinisher.jar
News and Updates
Here you will find release notes and news related to GFinisher.
version 1.4 - bug fixed - blast path on linux.
version 1.3 - bug fixed - blast configuration.
version 1.2 - binaries, source and site updated.
version 1.1 - fix bug unknow symbols.
version 1.0 launched - binaries, source and site published.
Link: Scientific Reports
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